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Book-crossing dataset contains user ratings of books on a scale from 1 to 10. Books have extra information and links to covers. Users have age and location features. item_ids are actual book ISBNs.


  • 278,858 users
  • 271,379 items
  • 1,149,780 ratings


from rs_datasets import BookCrossing
bx = BookCrossing()
   user_id     item_id  rating
0   276725  034545104X       0
1   276726  0155061224       5
2   276727  0446520802       0

      item_id                 title                author  year                publisher       img_s       img_m       img_l
0  0195153448   Classical Mythology    Mark P. O. Morford  2002  Oxford University Press  http://...  http://...  http://...
1  0002005018          Clara Callan  Richard Bruce Wright  2001    HarperFlamingo Canada  http://...  http://...  http://...
2  0060973129  Decision in Normandy          Carlo D'Este  1991          HarperPerennial  http://...  http://...  http://...

   user_id                         location   age
0        1               nyc, new york, usa   NaN
1        2        stockton, california, usa  18.0
2        3  moscow, yukon territory, russia   NaN