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MovieLens is probably the most popular rs dataset out there. Contains movie ratings from grouplens site.

Some versions provide addational information such as user info or tags.


Following stable versions are available:

Version Size Ratings Users Movies Tags
25m 250MB 25m 162k 62k 1m
20m 190MB 20m 138k 27k 456k
10m 63MB 10m 72k 10k 100k
1m 6MB 1m 6k 4k
100k 5MB 100k 1k 1.7k

There are also 2 versions that change as time goes and are not recommended for research. That is latest version which contains all the data they have for the moment (bigger than 25m) and small which is just a subset of the latest version. small is loaded by default if you don't specify version.

Extra parameters

  • version='small'

    One of {'100k', '1m', '10m', '20m', '25m', 'small', 'latest'}

  • read_genome=False

    whether to read genome tag dataset or not (available from version 20m and up). Are not loaded by default to save memory.


from rs_datasets import MovieLens
ml = MovieLens('10m')
   user_id  item_id     rating  timestamp
0        1      122        5.0  838985046
1        1      185        5.0  838983525
2        1      231        5.0  838983392

   item_id                    title                                       genres
0        1         Toy Story (1995)  Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
1        2           Jumanji (1995)                   Adventure|Children|Fantasy
2        3  Grumpier Old Men (1995)                               Comedy|Romance

   user_id  item_id         tag   timestamp
0       15     4973  excellent!  1215184630
1       20     1747    politics  1188263867
2       20     1747      satire  1188263867